Select2 component gives a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options. We have used select2 plugin as a base and customized it by applying material design principles to it.

For more options and documentation, visit : Select2

Install with NPM

You can install and manage Propeller Select2 using npm:


Propeller Select2

To create an enhanced simple select, add .pmd-select2 to the select tag.

Propeller Simple select

Simple select2 with search

Select2 with Multiple Tags

For selectbox with multiple tags add .pmd-select2-tags to the select tag.

Select Multiple Tags and Select & Add Multiple Tags

Select2 with Search and Custom Tags

To create custom multiple tags add .pmd-select2-tags to the select tag.

Select Multiple Tags and Select & Add Multiple Tags

Configuration Options

The Propeller CSS classes apply various predefined visual enhancements to the form elements. The table lists the available classes and their effects.

Propeller Class Effect Remark
.pmd-select2 Add this class to create simple selectbox Optional
.pmd-select2-tags Add this class to create selectbox with tags Optional
.pmd-textfield Class added for general label and input formatting. Required
.pmd-textfield-floating-label Adds floating animation to the label of input Optional